1. Login https://github.com/ (or) bitbucket:
2. Go to Your project GIT Repository section (GIT repo already exist). If not, then create new repo and move your files and folder from your local to GIThub.
3. Select Code → You will get option to add SSH key link . Select that link & add SSH key, which you have generated one from Hostinger server (Refer Step:6) & Set some Title for your SSH key :
Ex mrjute************m
4. Now Login Hostinger server with your account credential
5. Select Your Domain (If you have multiple domain mapped) & Go To Hosting → Manage → GIT:
6. Create SSH key for Private GIT Repository (From Hostinger)

7. Go to
Repository : Configure your private (or) public GIT Report URL
Branch : Enter Your project – <Production branch name >
Directory : Leave blank (Default path : public_html)

8. Click Deployment button. Your files will be deployed into Hostinger Server (files will moved from GIT repo to Hostinger server root path).

9. You can track your deployment status – on selection of “View latest build output” .
10. In case of wrong GIT URL, you may get below error message during deployment,
“Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. Git”. To resolve this issue, configure SSH between Hostinger & GitHUB.
Source : https://support.hostinger.com/ , https://github.com/
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