Basic Introduction about MongoDB

  1. MongoDB is a open-source and high performance document-oriented database program.
  2. MongoDB is NoSQL DB program
  3. It’s use JSON like document with schema.
  4. Developed by MongoDB Inc (Initial development later name got changed).
  5. MongoDB written in C, C++ & Javascript.
  6. MongoDB – No Schemas , Scalability , High Availability , Performance.
  7. Instead of using tables and rows as in relational databases, we can use MongoDB built in own architecture of collections and documents oriented DB program.
  8. Data storage format as like, Key-value pairs .
  9. Ex:
    Key Value
    Customer1 Jhon1,28,US
    Customer2 Jhon2,29,UK
    Customer3 Jhon3,30,AE
  10. Document : A document is design by key-value pair set. A documents are associated with schema (as like RDBMS)
    Key: Value
    _id: “values”
    Name Jhon1
    Age 28
    Email jhon@***.com
    City US
  11. Collection : Collection is noting else it’s group of MongoDB documents. (same like table concept in RDBMS)
  12. Database : File system concept. Each database is having a set of files to store/Maintain the data’s.
    Ex: Default DB path /var/lib/mongo
  13. Configuration:
    Conf file in MongoDB: /etc/mongod.conf
    Default PID in MongoDB : /var/run/mongodb/
    Default log files i MongoDB : /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
    MongoDB default Port : 27017


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