Magento-2 Installation Step – Part-2

How to install Magento 2 CE

Step 2: Add Database

In this step we can fillup the Database related information. Enter your Host and

Database username and password. Also mention your Database Name (Suggestion:

You to create a database from phpmyadmin by manually and use the same Name



While configure the DB details, there is a possiblity to get “sorry but we

support mysql version 5.6.0 or later” . But in a magento system requirement its

showing Mysql 5.5 also available.But it will not work. we need to upgrade 5.6 or more.


Before Upgrade Mysql:

If you have existing data in a MySql 5.5 database, it should be migrated automatically.

Though it is always a good idea to make a backup before doing a major upgrade.

First make a backup of the data in your existing database:

mysqldump --lock-all-tables -u root -p --all-databases > dump.sql 

Then after installing the newer version, you can restore if needed by running:

mysql -u root -p < dump.sql 

Run below command in terminal (ubunto)

sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.6

After Upgrade Mysql:

After upgrade Mysql, then localhost/phpmyadmin wont work in browser , it will

redirect to 404 page. Then You need to configure these URL from apache.conf file.

Run: sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf (for ubunto)

Add the phpmyadmin config to the file:

Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf 

then restart apache:

sudo service apache2 restart

Are we done any modification to the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file?

In case if we modified or added anything from the apache conf file, then below error

will get . While restart the apache by terminal.

apache2: Syntax error on line 222 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open

configuration file /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf: No such file or directory,

Then find and Replacing this line

LockFile ${APACHE_LOCK_DIR}/accept.lock

with this one

Mutex file:${APACHE_LOCK_DIR} default

in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf solved the problem.

restart apache once.

Pdo_Mysql extention:

Magento2, step :2 configuring the DB, there is one more check is there. We need to

check pdo_mysql extention is already there or not. If not then do install.




“In sandy soil, when deep you delve, you reach the springs below;
The more you learn, the freer streams of wisdom flow
