Creating a new section in admin system configuration section

Below configuration code will helpful to create a new section from admin – system – configuration section . To add a new section create a file Jute/Module/etc/system.xml.
<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<EXAMPLE translate=”label”>
<label>An Example Section</label>
Some tag names are used throughout system.xml, these can be used in section, group and field definitions:
• EXAMPLE is given a unique name so it will not overwrite any other section. In reality an all-lowercase name is preferred.
• Label is the visible name of the section.
• Tab is the name of any existing heading in the list of sections.
• frontend_type is always text here but get used to using it lots.
• sort_order places this new section in the tab. If omitted the new section is merely appended instead.
• show_in_default, show_in_website & show_in_store show or hide (1 or 0) this section for different scopes as chosen by the ‘Current Configuration Scope’ drop-down in the top left corner of the page. Omitting one of these is the same as setting it to 0.
• comment you can add your own comment to a field or group.


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