How to add your Project to Version Control – Part: 2

How to add your Project to Version Control – Part: 2

Create Private Repo on GIT hub: How to move your project to Github:

1. Login

2. Click “Start a project” button

3. Create a new repository, Select “Owner” & enter “Repository name” (Unique)

4. Select public (or) private.

Public : Any one can see this repository & you can choose and allow the commits.

Private : You choose who can see and commit to this repository.

Now go to your personal Machine:

5. Create on project folder & Open Git Bash in your system.

6. Copy your backup (downloaded backup) and paste your files and folder to newly created folder path.

7. Initialize GIT > git init

8. git config ‘<EMAIL ID>’

9. git config ‘<PASSWORD>’

10. In the Command prompt, add the URL for the remote repository where your local repository will be pushed.

# Sets the new remote

$ git remote add origin <remote repository URL>


# Verifies the new remote URL

$ git remote -v

11. add files and folder> git add .

12. Commit your changes

>git commit -m “Initial setup”

13. Push your Changes to git > git push origin master . Once after done the push, committed files and folder reflect on your github server.

Save Water !!!

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